Prevents excess water retention(表面の湿りすぎを防止する)

The tendency for some surfactants to hold excess water is caused by a netting effect resulting from entanglement of long molcecular chains used in their chemical design.TriCure has engineered-out this negative property in its chemical design, enabling optimization of water holding and water releasecharacteristics.

Treats organic surfaces(有機物の撥水性を治す)

Historically, surfactants were designed to treat soil for the turf industry OR organic matter for the horticultural industry. Through advances in molecular chemistry, TriCure is able to treat ALL multi-facial particle surfaces. This allows TriCure to effectively treat thatch and organic amendments, eliminating the hydrophobic barriers on the surfaces of golf greens that are left untreated with other surfactants.

Increases root mass and length(根量を増加させる)

Research done at Rutgers University shows TriCure stimulates root and shoot growth of bentgrass and bluegrass seedings. In studies done with all variables removed,significant increases in root mass and length were measured. This unique property enables TriCure to provide the fastest recovery rates on damaged turf, while giving significant advantages during grow-in.
